Orgin : Burbank, California
Genres : Past-Hardcore, Emo, Pop-Punk
Years Active : 2003 - Present
Labels : Ferret
The story starts in the very same place that it does for most bandsbegin
recording demos, show demos around, label interest heats up, finish
album, talk to labels, think some more about it, sign in blood, begin
touring endlessly on said album. But its here where the differences
between LoveHateHero and the rest of the bands today start to show.
Three days before the band's 4th major tour on their first album, three
of the members leave. Including BOTH guitar players. One of the guitar
players even takes the Van with him. And all of the sudden, there were
only two members left. Faced with the decision (and challenge) to either
throw in the towel, or try and find a way to
keep going, Paris and Pierrick chose the latter. To them, it was an easy decision in the face of the worst of circumstances. And that decision has come to define this band as a band who does not stop, give in, skip shows, forget fans names, or by any other means, back down in the face of adversity. Brand new van's gone? Fine. We'll dump the bank accounts, bust out the circular saw, and take the road in a bunked-out former city transit van. What's that about fried trailer axles, tires, fuel injectors? Who cares. Its time to rock. You can be guaranteed if something out there gets in the way of this band making it to the next show, they are going to find a way around it, or through it. And when they get to town and hit the stage, nothing matters anymore but the rock. Not how many kids are there, not how sick they are of one another, nothing. Guitar players want to stay home and cuddle with their chicks? Fine, with a couple phone calls from their drummer Scott Gee, a schooled musician and drummer since the age of 7, and a wink and a nod from the universe, Mike Russell shows up ready to jump in the band and leave home forever. Couple weeks into the tour, with a good natured Canadian filling in on second guitar, they roll into another faceless club in upstate New York, only to find guitar whiz Kevin Gruft warming up for his local band - except his warmup sounds like George Dokken battling EVH. The boys immediately lock him in their sights, and following his graduation from high school, fly him out to Los Angeles to start working on the 2nd album. This is how LoveHateHero gets it done - full-on commitment to the cause and connection with every living soul they play for. This is a band on the mission to bring their music as hard as possible to any stage that will have them. And deliver it all with a personal passion for the stories they tell, and the ones they create with their fans and friends all along the way.
keep going, Paris and Pierrick chose the latter. To them, it was an easy decision in the face of the worst of circumstances. And that decision has come to define this band as a band who does not stop, give in, skip shows, forget fans names, or by any other means, back down in the face of adversity. Brand new van's gone? Fine. We'll dump the bank accounts, bust out the circular saw, and take the road in a bunked-out former city transit van. What's that about fried trailer axles, tires, fuel injectors? Who cares. Its time to rock. You can be guaranteed if something out there gets in the way of this band making it to the next show, they are going to find a way around it, or through it. And when they get to town and hit the stage, nothing matters anymore but the rock. Not how many kids are there, not how sick they are of one another, nothing. Guitar players want to stay home and cuddle with their chicks? Fine, with a couple phone calls from their drummer Scott Gee, a schooled musician and drummer since the age of 7, and a wink and a nod from the universe, Mike Russell shows up ready to jump in the band and leave home forever. Couple weeks into the tour, with a good natured Canadian filling in on second guitar, they roll into another faceless club in upstate New York, only to find guitar whiz Kevin Gruft warming up for his local band - except his warmup sounds like George Dokken battling EVH. The boys immediately lock him in their sights, and following his graduation from high school, fly him out to Los Angeles to start working on the 2nd album. This is how LoveHateHero gets it done - full-on commitment to the cause and connection with every living soul they play for. This is a band on the mission to bring their music as hard as possible to any stage that will have them. And deliver it all with a personal passion for the stories they tell, and the ones they create with their fans and friends all along the way.

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