Tokio Hotel


At Stake

Tokio Hotel by vocalist Bill Kaulitz and guitarist Tom Kaulitz, who are identical twin brothers, drummer Gustav Schäfer and bass-guitarist Georg Listing. Tokio Hotel Bill Kaulitz oleh vokalis dan gitaris Tom Kaulitz, yang adalah saudara kembar identik, drumer Gustav Schäfer dan bass-gitaris Daftar Georg. The four met in 2001 after a live show in

a Magdeburg-Club, where Listing and Schäfer, who knew each other from music school, watched from the audience while Bill and Tom Kaulitz played on the stage.  Under the name Devilish, the band soon began playing in talent shows and small concerts.  After Bill Kaulitz's participation in a children's Star Search in 2003 at age thirteen (which he lost in the quarter-final), he was discovered by music producer Peter Hoffmann. Keempat bertemu pada tahun 2001 setelah pertunjukan live di Magdeburg-Club, di mana properti dan Schäfer, yang tahu satu sama lain dari sekolah musik, menyaksikan dari penonton sementara Bill dan Tom Kaulitz dimainkan di panggung.  Berdasarkan nama Devilish, band segera mulai bermain di menunjukkan bakat dan konser kecil.  Setelah partisipasi Bill Kaulitz dalam Star Search anak-anak pada tahun 2003 pada usia tiga belas tahun (yang ia kalah di perempat final), ia ditemukan oleh produser musik Peter Hoffmann. Devilish changed their name to Tokio Hotel: "Tokio", the German spelling of the Japanese city Tokyo , due to a love of the city, and "Hotel" due to their constant touring and living in hotels.  Soon after Sony BMG took them under contract, Hoffmann hired David Jost and Pat Benzner into the team of creators and authors, and had them give the teens instruction on songwriting and instrument playing; most of the songs of the first album were written by Hoffmann, Jost and Benzer (including the singles "Scream" and "Rescue me" which were completely written by them), only the single "Unendlichkeit" was written completely by Tokio Hotel themselves. Devilish berganti nama menjadi Tokio Hotel: "Tokio", dengan Jerman ejaan kota Jepang di Tokyo , karena cinta dari kota, dan "Hotel" karena tur konstan mereka dan tinggal di hotel.  Segera setelah Sony BMG membawa mereka di bawah kontrak, Hoffmann menyewa David Jost dan Pat Benzner ke dalam tim dari pencipta dan penulis, dan meminta mereka memberikan instruksi remaja pada penulisan lagu dan instrumen bermain, sebagian besar lagu dari album pertama ditulis oleh Hoffmann, Jost dan Benzer ( termasuk "Scream" single dan "Rescue me" yang benar-benar ditulis oleh mereka), hanya satu "Unendlichkeit" ditulis sepenuhnya oleh Tokio Hotel sendiri. Shortly before release of their first album, Sony terminated their contract. Sesaat sebelum rilis album pertama mereka, Sony dihentikan kontrak mereka. In 2005, Universal Music Group took Tokio Hotel under contract and developed a marketing plan. Pada tahun 2005, Universal Music Group mengambil Tokio Hotel bawah kontrak dan mengembangkan rencana pemasaran. The band is now one of the biggest modern acts from Germany and the biggest in 20 years. Band ini sekarang menjadi salah satu tindakan modern terbesar dari Jerman dan yang terbesar dalam 20 tahun.


Bill Kaulitz performing in Hessisch-Lichtenau, Germany in 2006. Bill Kaulitz tampil di Hessisch-Lichtenau, Jerman pada tahun 2006.

Their first single, " Durch den Monsun " ("Through the Monsoon"), quickly rose in the charts, appearing on the German official Media Control single chart at #15 on August 20, 2005 and eventually reaching #1 on August 26, 2005; it also reached #1 on the Austrian singles chart . Single pertama mereka, " Durch den Monsun "(" Melalui Monsoon "), dengan cepat naik di tangga lagu, muncul di Jerman resmi Media Control grafik tunggal di # 15 pada 20 Agustus 2005 dan akhirnya mencapai # 1 pada 26 Agustus 2005 , tetapi juga mencapai # 1 di Austria singel . Their second single, " Schrei " ("Scream"), climbed to the #5 position in the German charts. Single kedua mereka, " Schrei "(" Scream "), naik ke posisi # 5 di tangga lagu Jerman. These two songs were written by singer Bill Kaulitz together with their group of producers Peter Hoffmann, David Jost, Pat Benzer and Dave Roth. Kedua lagu ditulis oleh penyanyi Bill Kaulitz bersama dengan kelompok mereka produsen Peter Hoffmann, David Jost, Pat Benzer dan Dave Roth. Their debut album, Schrei , was released on September 19, 2005, and was certified triple gold by the BVMI in 2006 for selling over 300,000 copies in Germany. [ 13 ] In 2006, a third and fourth single, " Rette mich " ("Rescue Me") and " Der letzte Tag " ("The Final Day"), were released; both reached #1 as well. Album debut mereka, Schrei , dirilis pada 19 September 2005, dan bersertifikat emas tiga kali lipat pada BVMI pada tahun 2006 untuk menjual lebih dari 300.000 kopi di Jerman. [13] Pada tahun 2006, tunggal ketiga dan keempat, " Rette mich "(" Rescue Me ") dan" Der letzte Tag "(" Hari Akhir "), yang dirilis, keduanya mencapai # 1 juga. "Der letzte Tag" contained a B-side called "Wir schließen uns ein", which was also accompanied by a music video. "Der letzte Tag" berisi B-side disebut "Wir schließen uns ein", yang juga disertai dengan sebuah video musik.

The first single off their second album Zimmer 483 ( Room 483 ), called " Übers Ende der Welt " (later re-released in English under the name " Ready, Set, Go! "), was released on January 26, 2007 and quickly reached #1 in Germany and Austria, and #2 in France. Zimmer 483 was released in Germany on February 23, 2007, along with a deluxe edition of the album containing a DVD. Single pertama dari album kedua mereka Zimmer 483 (Room 483), disebut " der Welt Übers Ende "(kemudian kembali dirilis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan nama" Ready, Set, Go! "), dirilis pada tanggal 26 Januari 2007 dan dengan cepat mencapai # 1 di Jerman dan Austria, dan # 2 di Perancis. Zimmer 483 dirilis di Jerman pada 23 Februari 2007, bersama dengan edisi deluxe dari album yang berisi DVD. The album's second single, " Spring nicht " ("Don't Jump") was released on April 7. Single kedua album tersebut, " Musim Semi nicht "(" Jangan Langsung ") dirilis pada tanggal 7 April. The tour accompanying the release of the album, The Zimmer 483 Tour, was scheduled to start in March 2007, but was delayed by two weeks because the band members wished to have a different stage design. Tur menyertai rilis album, The Zimmer 483 Tour, dijadwalkan akan dimulai pada Maret 2007, tapi ditunda oleh dua minggu karena anggota band ingin memiliki desain panggung yang berbeda. A third single, " An deiner Seite (Ich bin da) " ("By Your Side"), was released on November 16. Sebuah single ketiga, " An deiner Seite (Ich bin da) "(" Dengan Side Anda "), dirilis pada 16 November. The single contains the B-side "1000 Meere" ("1000 Oceans"), for which a music video was also produced. Single ini berisi B-side "1000 Meere" ("1000 Samudra"), yang sebuah video musik juga diproduksi. On April 28, 2008 Tokio Hotel released their single " Heilig " but no music video for the single was released, because of the tight schedule they had. Pada April 28, 2008 Tokio Hotel merilis single mereka " Heilig "tetapi tidak ada video musik untuk single ini dirilis, karena jadwal yang ketat mereka.

Tokio Hotel's first English language album, Scream , was released on June 4, 2007 throughout Europe. Pertama Tokio Hotel yang bahasa Inggris album, Scream , dirilis pada 4 Juni 2007 di seluruh Eropa. In Germany, the album was released as Room 483 in order to emphasize the continuity with their last German album Zimmer 483 . Scream contains English versions of a selection of songs from their German-language albums Scream and Zimmer 483 . Di Jerman, album ini dirilis sebagai Ruang 483 dalam rangka untuk menekankan kesinambungan dengan album terakhir mereka Zimmer 483 Jerman. Scream berisi versi bahasa Inggris dari pilihan lagu-lagu dari album berbahasa Jerman mereka Scream dan Zimmer 483. " Monsoon ", the English-language version of "Durch den Monsun", was the first single from the album. " Monsoon ", versi bahasa Inggris dari" Durch den Monsun ", adalah single pertama dari album. " Ready, Set, Go! " " Ready, Set, Go! " (the translation of " Übers Ende der Welt ") was released as the album's second single and " Don't Jump " (the translation of "Spring nicht") as the third single. (Terjemahan dari " Übers Ende der Welt ") dirilis sebagai single kedua album dan" Jangan Langsung "(terjemahan dari" nicht Musim Semi ") sebagai single ketiga. A video for " Scream ", the English-language version of their 2005 hit "Schrei", was also recorded, and was released to the iTunes Store in early March 2008. Sebuah video untuk " Scream ", versi bahasa Inggris dari 2005 hit mereka" Schrei ", juga dicatat, dan dirilis ke iTunes Store pada awal Maret 2008.

Tokio Hotel gave their first concert in the United Kingdom on June 19, 2007. Tokio Hotel memberikan konser pertama mereka di Inggris pada tanggal 19 Juni 2007. " Ready, Set, Go! " " Ready, Set, Go! " was released in the UK as the band's first single on August 27, 2007. dirilis di Inggris sebagai single pertama band ini pada 27 Agustus 2007. The song reached #77 in the UK Singles Chart . Lagu ini mencapai # 77 di UK Singles Chart .

Tokio Hotel won an MTV Europe Music Award for Best InterAct on November 1, 2007 and were also nominated for Best Band. Tokio Hotel memenangkan MTV Europe Music Award untuk Berinteraksi Terbaik pada 1 November 2007 dan juga dinominasikan untuk Best Band. They performed "Monsoon" at the event. Mereka melakukan "Monsoon" di acara tersebut.

Tokio Hotel released their first US single, simply called "Tokio Hotel", in late 2007. Tokio Hotel merilis single pertama mereka di AS, hanya disebut "Tokio Hotel", pada akhir 2007. The single contains the tracks "Scream" and "Ready, Set, Go!", and was available exclusively at Hot Topic stores. Single ini berisi lagu "Scream" dan "Ready, Set, Go!", Dan tersedia secara eksklusif di Hot Topic toko. Their second US single, "Scream America", was released on December 11, 2007. AS tunggal kedua mereka, "Scream Amerika", dirilis pada tanggal 11 Desember 2007. The single contains the track "Scream" and a remix of "Ready, Set, Go!" Single ini berisi lagu "Scream" dan remix dari "Set Ready, Go!" by AFI 's Jade Puget . oleh AFI 's Jade Puget . In February 2008, the band toured North America for five dates starting in Canada and finishing up in New York. [ 14 ] After appearing and performing live on MuchMusic , while touring in Canada, "Ready, Set, Go!" Pada bulan Februari 2008, band melakukan tur Amerika Utara selama lima tanggal mulai di Kanada dan finishing di New York. [14] Setelah tampil dan melakukan hidup MuchMusic , saat tur di Kanada, "Ready, Set, Go!" entered the MuchOnDemand Daily 10, a countdown of videos chosen by viewers. memasuki MuchOnDemand Harian 10, hitung mundur dari video yang dipilih oleh pemirsa. It remained there for over a week, then returned to the top of the MOD Daily 10 chart on April 8. Itu tetap ada selama lebih dari seminggu, kemudian kembali ke puncak MOD 10 Harian grafik pada 8 April. "Scream" was released in Canada on March 25 and in the US on May. "Scream" dirilis di Kanada pada tanggal 25 Maret dan di AS pada Mei.

Anggota Band

Bill Kaulitz

Main article: Bill Kaulitz Artikel utama: Bill Kaulitz

Bill Kaulitz was born on September 1, 1989, in Leipzig ten minutes after his identical twin brother, Tom. Bill Kaulitz lahir pada 1 September 1989, di Leipzig sepuluh menit setelah saudara kembar identik, Tom.
Tom Kaulitz

Main article: Tom Kaulitz Artikel utama: Tom Kaulitz

Tom Kaulitz (born 1 September 1989 in Leipzig , German Democratic Republic ) is a German guitarist singer, songwriter and model from Tokio Hotel. Tom Kaulitz (lahir 1 September 1989 di Leipzig , Republik Demokrasi Jerman ) adalah seorang penyanyi gitaris Jerman, penulis lagu dan model dari Tokio Hotel. He is the twin brother of Bill Kaulitz , and Tom was born 10 minutes before Bill. Ia adalah saudara kembar Bill Kaulitz , dan Tom lahir 10 menit sebelum Bill.
Awal kehidupan

Tom Kaulitz and Bill Kaulitz were born 1 September 1989 in Leipzig. Tom Kaulitz Bill Kaulitz dan lahir 1 September 1989 di Leipzig. Their parents, Simone and Jörg Kaulitz, separated when Tom and Bill were seven years old. Orang tua mereka, Simone dan Jorg Kaulitz, dipisahkan saat Tom dan Bill tujuh tahun. Their mother began dating Gordon Trumper, and married him in August 2009. Ibu mereka mulai berkencan Gordon Trumper, dan menikah dengannya pada bulan Agustus 2009.

Tom's guitar playing and Bill's singing showed their natural aptitude for music, and gave an early indication of their possibility of fame. Bermain gitar dan bernyanyi Tom Bill menunjukkan bakat alami mereka untuk musik, dan memberikan indikasi awal kemungkinan mereka ketenaran. Trumper helped the twins to start their own band. Trumper membantu si kembar untuk memulai sebuah band sendiri. He and Bill began writing music at the age of seven years old. Dia dan Bill mulai menulis musik pada usia tujuh tahun.

Due to their great desire to create a band, his twin brother Bill entered and became renowned on the reality TV talent show "Star Search." Karena keinginan yang besar mereka untuk menciptakan sebuah band, Bill saudara kembarnya masuk dan menjadi terkenal di reality show TV bakat "Star Search." They met Georg Listing (then 14) and Gustav Schäfer [ disambiguation needed ] (then 13), in the audience of one of their shows. Mereka bertemu Georg properti (kemudian 14) dan Gustav Schäfer [ disambiguasi diperlukan ] (kemudian 13), di antara penonton dari salah satu acara mereka. Listing and Schäfer were friends and after the show, having liked what they heard and saw, made an offer to join. Daftar dan Schäfer adalah teman dan setelah pertunjukan, setelah menyukai apa yang mereka dengar dan melihat, membuat tawaran untuk bergabung. The band was promptly re-named "Devilish" due to an article published at the time that referred to their "devilishly great" [ citation needed ] sound. Band ini segera kembali bernama "Devilish" karena sebuah artikel yang diterbitkan pada waktu itu disebut [mereka "nakal besar" rujukan ] suara.

This continued until 2005 when Jost arranged a meeting between the band and Universal Music Group 's Interscope Records and Tokio Hotel was signed. Ini berlanjut sampai tahun 2005 ketika Jost mengatur pertemuan antara band dan Universal Music Group 's Interscope Records dan Tokio Hotel ditandatangani. They began working immediately, releasing their debut LP Schrei ("Scream") later that year. Mereka segera mulai bekerja, merilis debut mereka LP Schrei ("Scream") akhir tahun itu. Their first single from the album Schrei was "Durch den Monsun" ("Through The Monsoon"), which reached #1 in Germany within a month of its release. Single pertama mereka dari album Schrei "Durch den Monsun" ("Melalui Monsoon The"), yang mencapai # 1 di Jerman dalam waktu satu bulan rilis. He then continued his dream with 3 members of the group. Dia kemudian melanjutkan mimpinya dengan 3 anggota kelompok.
Insiden Stalker

More trouble came for Kaulitz when in late 2008/early 2009 several female stalkers pursued the band relentlessly, even following his twin brother Bill Kaulitz to his parents' home in Germany and attacked the twins' mother. Lebih banyak kesulitan datang untuk Kaulitz ketika di akhir 2009 2008/early penguntit beberapa perempuan dikejar band tanpa henti, bahkan setelah saudara kembar Bill Kaulitz kepada orang tuanya 'rumah di Jerman dan menyerang si kembar ibu. The issue seemed to end after Tom allegedly hit one of the stalkers at a gas station in April 2009 and drove off. Masalah ini tampaknya berakhir setelah Tom diduga menabrak penguntit di sebuah stasiun gas di April 2009 dan melaju pergi. However, a recent article in Bild stated that the issue had resurfaced and that Tom Kaulitz may stand trial for assault. Namun, sebuah artikel terbaru di Bild menyatakan bahwa masalah itu muncul kembali dan bahwa Tom Kaulitz mungkin diadili atas penyerangan. In late December 2009, the charges against Tom were lifted and he is pressing charges himself — against the girl he allegedly hit — on grounds of stalking. Pada akhir Desember 2009, dakwaan terhadap Tom dicabut dan dia menekan biaya sendiri - terhadap gadis yang diduga memukul - atas dasar menguntit.
Kehidupan pribadi

Tom Kaulitz and his identical twin brother, Bill, used to live in Hamburg but have recently moved to Los Angeles in response to an incident involving stalkers and a robbery. Tom Kaulitz dan saudara kembar identik, Bill, digunakan untuk tinggal di Hamburg , tetapi baru-baru ini pindah ke Los Angeles dalam menanggapi insiden yang melibatkan penguntit dan perampokan. They have also stated that it is easier for them to work on their new album, as it is closer to their manager David Jost . Mereka juga menyatakan bahwa lebih mudah bagi mereka untuk bekerja pada album baru mereka, karena lebih dekat untuk mereka manajer David Jost . They are currently living in Los Angeles but also have a second home in Hamburg . Mereka saat ini tinggal di Los Angeles tetapi juga memiliki rumah kedua di Hamburg . Tom and Bill, have modeled for a photoshoot. Tom dan Bill, memiliki model untuk pemotretan He models for Reebok for sneakers and shoes. Dia model untuk Reebok untuk sepatu olahraga dan sepatu. Tom is friends with Nicole Scherzinger . Tom berteman dengan Nicole Scherzinger . Tom prefers to listen to hip-hop music. Tom lebih memilih untuk mendengarkan musik hip-hop. His favorite rapper is Samy Deluxe . Rapper favoritnya adalah Samy Deluxe . As of September 2007 [update] , Tom uses Gibson guitars and Mesa/Boogie Rectifier Heads with Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12 cabinets. Pada September 2007 [update] , Tom menggunakan Gibson gitar dan Mesa / Boogie Rectifier Kepala dengan Rectifier Mesa Boogie 4x12 cabinet. Tom currently has his hair in cornrows, which he had done in early 2009. Tom saat ini memiliki rambut di cornrows, yang telah dilakukan pada awal 2009. Tom had allegedly been dating Chantelle Paige after the stalker incident, but later it was said that they had been going out to better publicise Tom and his band, as well as Chantelle's band, Flipsyde . Tom diduga berkencan Chantelle Paige setelah insiden penguntit, tapi kemudian ada yang mengatakan bahwa mereka telah pergi ke Tom mempublikasikan lebih baik dan band-nya, serta sebagai band Chantelle itu, Flipsyde . In an interview with her, Chantelle had said : "I think Tom is quite nice, actually he is my dream boy". Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan dia, Chantelle mengatakan: "Saya pikir Tom cukup bagus, sebenarnya dia anak laki-laki impian saya".
Daftar Georg

Georg (Moritz Hagen) Listing was born on March 31, 1987. Georg (Moritz Hagen) Daftar lahir pada 31 Maret 1987. His hometown is Halle . Kampung adalah Halle . He began playing bass when he was thirteen years old, [ 10 ] and, as of September 2007 [update] , uses a Sandberg bass. [ 40 ] He has said that his playing style was heavily influenced by Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers , [ 41 ] and other musical influences include Die Ärzte and Oasis . [ 10 ] Dia mulai bermain bass ketika ia berusia tiga belas tahun, [10] dan, pada September 2007 [update] , menggunakan Sandberg bass. [40] Dia telah mengatakan bahwa gaya bermain sangat dipengaruhi oleh Flea dari Red Hot Chili Peppers , [41] dan pengaruh musik lainnya termasuk Die Ärzte dan Oasis . [10]
Gustav Schäfer

Gustav (Klaus Wolfgang) Schäfer was born on September 8, 1988 in his hometown of Magdeburg . Gustav (Klaus Wolfgang) Schäfer lahir pada tanggal 8 September 1988 di kampung halamannya di Magdeburg . He currently lives in Magdeburg and in the temporary home in Hamburg where the studio is. Dia saat ini tinggal di Magdeburg dan di rumah sementara di Hamburg di mana studio ini. Gustav has been playing the drums since he was five. Gustav telah bermain drum sejak dia berumur lima tahun. His musical influences include Metallica , Joe Cocker , and Rod Stewart . Pengaruh musik Nya meliputi Metallica , Joe Cocker dan Rod Stewart .

Studio album

* 2005: Schrei - Universal Music/ Island 2005: Schrei - Universal Music / Pulau
* 2006: Schrei - so laut du kannst - Universal Music / Island – Re-recording of Schrei 2006: Schrei - sehingga laut du kannst - Universal Music / Pulau - Re-rekaman Schrei
* 2007: Zimmer 483 - Universal Music/Island 2007: Zimmer 483 - Universal Music / Pulau
* 2007: Scream - Universal Music/Island 2007: Scream - Universal Music / Pulau
* 2009: Humanoid ... 2009: Humanoid ... German - Universal Music/Island, Stunner Records [Intl] Jerman - Universal Music / Pulau, cantik Rekaman [Intl]
* 2009: Humanoid ... 2009: Humanoid ... English - Universal Music/Island [Intl] CherryTree Records, Interscope Records [USA] Inggris - Universal Music / Pulau [Intl] CherryTree Records, Interscope Records [Amerika Serikat]
* 2010: Best Of ... 2010: Best Of ... English - Universal Music/Island [Intl] CherryTree Records, Interscope Records [USA] Inggris - Universal Music / Pulau [Intl] CherryTree Records, Interscope Records [Amerika Serikat]
* 2010: Best Of ... 2010: Best Of ... German - Universal Music/Island, Stunner Records [Intl] Jerman - Universal Music / Pulau, cantik Rekaman [Intl]

album Hidup

* 2005: Leb' Die Sekunde - Behind The Scenes (DVD) 2005: Die detik Leb '- Behind The Scenes (DVD)
* 2006: Schrei – Live (DVD) 2006: Schrei - Live (DVD)
* 2007: Zimmer 483 – Live In Europe - Universal Music/Island 2007: Zimmer 483 - Live Eropa - Universal Music / Pulau
* 2008: Tokio Hotel TV – Caught On Camera (DVD) 2008: Tokio Hotel TV - Terperangkap Pada Kamera (DVD)
* 2010: Humanoid City Live [ 42 ] 2010: Kota Humanoid Hidup

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