Emo Guys Wearing Makeup

We’ve all seen an emo guy wearing makeup. While some guys are truly talented at the art of cosmetics…others are lacking quite a bit. The question is, “What is a guy to do?” It’s kind of weird to go up to a girl and ask for help and your mom is probably going to give you the hairy eyeball if you ask her. So, how do you go about applying makeup if you’re a guy?
First of all,
decide how much you are going to wear. In a lot of cases, but not always, guys have amazing complexions, great eyelashes, and eyebrows to kill for. Sometimes they are the exact opposite. Most of the time, you won’t want or need to wear foundation. If you do, buy a decent foundation brush and a bag of disposable sponges. Do not reuse your sponges. That not only can cause breakouts, but it’s—simply—yucky.
Once you have decided that, you get to start the hardest part—applying it! Now, say that you were a guy who was going to wear powder, eyeliner, and a little bit of eyeshadow. There’s nothing wrong with this and in a lot of cases, the makeup looks better on a guy than a girl anyways. Here’s where you start:
First, apply your powder. Make sure to blend it well into your face. Don’t let it look caked on. Blend down into your neck as well so that you don’t look like you are wearing a mask.
Second of all, you need to apply your eyeliner. (Emo guys normally don’t wear it on the top lashline, but it’s a personal choice. If you want to, go for it!) When you apply your eyeliner, use short strokes and then connect it with a long one. Keep your pencil or eyeshadow (you can use that as eyeliner if you have an eyeliner brush) as close to the lashes as possible.
Third, just add a little bit of eyeshadow to your lid. You don’t need much, just make sure it looks neat and even.

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